50 vs 70 Windshield Tint

When I first learned about all the different types of window tints, I was surprised, astonished, and confused.

From 35 to 50 and 70, the types of tint films for your car are quite vast. And they have different features too.

Even though, over the years, I know how all these tint films differ from one another, you might still be confused, and rightfully so.

For your convenience, I have compared 50 vs. 70 Windshield Tint in detail and also discussed their difference so that you know which is the most suitable for you.

So, without any further ado, start reading!

Read More: 20% vs. 35% Windshield Tint

About 50 Windshield Tint

Also known as the 50% Windshield Tint, the 50 Windshield Tint is a popular type of automotive tint film that provides both protection and privacy to the users.

This tint film is extremely dark in color and allows 50% of the visible light to pass through the glass surface. It blocks the other 50% of the light for safety and convenience.

This tint film keeps away 50% of the light at arm’s length, providing better protection against UV, heat, and glare. You can enjoy a safer driving experience while being cool in the cabin. 

One tiny glitch about 50 Tint is that it is illegal in most regions, and you might have to check with the local authorities before installing it in your car. In this case, you can use 35% instead of 50%.

50 Windshield Tint

About 70 Windshield Tint

More popularly known as the 70% windshield tint, 70 Windshield Tint is yet another automotive tint film to install on your windshield. 

As the name suggests, it allows 70% of the visible light to pass through the film while blocking just 30% of it. This means it provides less protection against UV, heat, and glare.

Moreover, as the 70 tint film is much lighter in shade, it doesn’t provide as much privacy as the other tint types in the market.

But because of its lighter shade, this tint film is legal in most of the regions. 

50% vs. 70% Windshield Tint

There are quite a few differences between 50 and 70 Windshield Tints. However, before learning them in detail, here is a quick glance for you.

Properties50 Windshield Tint70 Windshield Tint
DarknessVery DarkNot too Dark
UV ProtectionExcellentMinimal
PrivacyIncredible PrivacyMinimal Privacy
Visible Light Passing50%70%
Visible Light Block50%30%
Legal RestrictionsNot legal in many statesLegal in most states

Read More: 15% vs. 5% Tint

What are the Differences Between 50 and 70 Windshield Tints?

I have discussed the differences between 50 and 70 Windshield tints in detail, too, so that you know about them even better.

70 Windshield Tint


The darkness level between the 50 and 70 windshield tints differs significantly. 

For starters, 50% Windshield tint is incredibly dark in color. Because of its darkness, this tint film provides amazing privacy and keeps you away from prying eyes. 

Moreover, it also cuts glare significantly to ensure safe driving.

However, I cannot say the same for 70% tint films. These tint films are quite lighter in color, and, hence, don’t provide as much privacy or cut as much glare as their competitors. 

Visible Light Transmission

From their name, it is very much clear that there is a significant difference in the light transmission rate of these windshield tints.

For instance, 50 Windshield Tint allows 50% of the visible light to pass through the glass surface and blocks the other 50% for comfort and protection. 

But, in the case of 70 Windshield Tint, it’s much less. This tint film lets 70% of the light to enter the car cabin while just blocking 30% of the visible light.

This greatly affects the visibility and comfort inside the cabin. 

Legal Restrictions

When it comes to legal restrictions, there is a huge difference between the 50 and 70 windshield tints.

Because 50% tint is extremely dark, many regions in the US don’t allow it to be installed on your car.

But the 70 tint is allowed in many US regions, and you might not face any issues with this tint film. 

What Andy Thinks

The 50 vs. 70 Windshield Tint comparison indicates that there are some notable differences between the 50 and 70 Windshield Tints. And these differences can impact your buying decision significantly.

If you ask for my advice, I would suggest buying the 50 Windshield Tint if your region permits its installation. This tint provides better protection against UV, heat, and glare and ensures privacy. 

Make a wise choice when buying between these two window tints. 

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